Kids Korner
Kids Korner
Olympic Athletic Club is happy to offer childcare services* to all members while using the facility. Childcare is available for $9 per hour per child.
*Kids Korner serves children between the ages of 4 months old and 10 years old.
Please refer to GYM ACCESS INFORMATION & RESTRICTIONS, located at the bottom of the page, for information regarding other activities available to children.

Kids Korner Hours
4 pm - 7pm
4 pm - 7pm
4 pm - 7pm
4 pm - 7pm
4 pm - 7pm
Holiday Hours
- New Year’s Eve
(Closes at 2:00 PM) - New Year’s Day
- Memorial Day
(Closes at 2:00 PM) - Independence Day
- Labor Day
(Closes at 2:00 PM) - Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Eve
(Closes at noon) - Christmas Day
Reservation Policies
A reservation scheduled in advance through Mindbody is required for use of Kids Korner. Reservations may last for up to 2 hours and cost $9 per hour. Reservation slots are made available on Mindbody each Monday morning for the following week.
There may be a maximum of 2 babies (4 months – 15 months) and 10 children (16 months – 10 years) in the childcare at any given time.
Cancellation Policies
If you can’t make your appointment time, you are required to cancel at least 2 hours in advance to avoid a late cancellation fee. No-shows and late cancellations will be charged for the duration of the appointment.
Kids Korner charges $9 per hour/child. Payment is made upon scheduling your appointment through Mindbody. Snack purchases and Parent’s Night Out reservations can also be made through Mindbody.
Drop Off & Sign-In
Parents are required to sign in with their full name, child(ren)’s name(s), a list of their child(ren)’s allergies, and any special instructions for the Kids Korner employees. Parents must remain on the premises at all times while their child(ren) is/are in Kids Korner.
Children are asked to remove their shoes and wash their hands before entering. Any items brought to the daycare – such as snacks, water bottles, coats, and bags – should be labeled with the child(ren)’s name(s).
Kids Korner offers a wide variety of toys, games, and crafts for kids aged 4 months to 10 years old. Some activities are restricted to certain age groups and may not be available to all children.
It is recommended that personal toys are left at home whenever possible. We are not responsible for any damaged or lost toys brought into the childcare.
Kids Korner is a nut-free zone! However, other nut-free snacks may be brought from home or purchased for a small fee. Only children who have parental permission to buy snacks will be given the option to purchase items from our snack supply.
Recommended food for babies includes, puree pouches, teething crackers, and bottles. Recommended snacks for children include goldfish, cut-up fruit, yogurt, and crackers. Please pack easy-to-prepare foods only. The childcare is not equipped with a full kitchen.
Diapers & Potty Training
Babies and toddlers who may need a diaper change during their time at Kids Korner should have extra diapers and wipes sent with them.
If your child is potty training, please provide an extra change of clothes (including socks) and make a note on the sign in sheet that your child may need assistance in the restroom.
With the parent’s permission, potty-training children may earn a sticker as a “reward” for using the toilet and washing their hands.
Crying Policy
If a child cries for more than 15 minutes, the parent will be called and asked to calm their child. If they are not successful, the parent will be asked to remove the child from Kids Korner.
Sick/Illness Policy
If your child is ill, we ask that you keep them home for 24 hours before returning to Kids Korner. If a child displays signs of sickness and/or we have had to wipe their nose more than 3x in one hour, the parent will be contacted to remove their child from Kids Korner until they are feeling better.
At Kids Korner, we believe in positive reinforcement and redirection as solutions to behavioral issues. We do not use “time-outs” or other forms of punishment.
If a child displays disruptive and/or dangerous behavior they will be given a warning and the behavior will be documented. If the behavior continues, the child can risk suspension from the program for up to a month. However, if the child returns under probation and the behavior continues, longer suspensions might be considered.
General Access for Children under 13 years old
Outside of the daycare, children under the age of 13 may participate in swimming and basketball; however, adult supervision is required at all times.
Children under 13 years old are not allowed in the upstairs locker rooms. Instead, children under 13 years old must use the family pool locker rooms.
Babies are not allowed in the weight room, group exercise classes or near cardio equipment. In all other locations, babies need to remain in a car seat at all times and may not be set on or near equipment. If your baby becomes disruptive, you must leave the area until the child your child has calmed down.
General Access for Youth over 13 years old
Youth ages 13 and up are granted full access to all activities without adult supervision, except use of the pool and hot tub, once the Club receives permission and a signed liability waiver from their parent/guardian. Youth ages 13 and up who are authorized to use the Club will receive their own membership card and may use the Club without parental supervision between the hours of 6:00am and 10:00pm. Also, youth under the age of 18 may not bring guests unless accompanied by an adult.
Pool Access for Members Under 18 years old
Warning: No lifeguard is on duty. In order to use the pool and hot tub, all children under the age of 18 must have a parent present and supervising them at all times. This includes the locker room and pool deck. State law states: “No child under the age of 18 shall be allowed in the pool or hot tub at any time without adult supervision.” Also, state law forbids any child under the age of 6 years old to be in the hot tub and requires infants and children in diapers to wear swim diapers in the pool and hot tub. There are no exceptions to these rules.