Cancellation Policy:

Members with any membership type may cancel without penalty by submitting a written request within 3 days of enrollment.

Month-to-Month Membership Cancellations:

Members with a month-to-month membership type may cancel for any reason by submitting a written termination request via certified mail or by completing the electronic form below. A minimum of 30-days’ advance notice is required for termination of month-to-month memberships and the official termination date must be the final day of the month. Any unpaid balance on the member’s account must be paid in full prior to termination.

12-Month Membership Cancellations:

Members with a 12-month contracted membership type may cancel prior to the end of the contracted term only for one of the reasons defined as “Cause” in the Membership Agreement, which include:

  • Member becomes totally disabled. (A doctor’s note is required.)
  • The member is deceased.

Please fill out the form below to submit a cancellation request.

Submissions must be received by 11:59pm on the 25th of the current month in order to go into effect on the last day of the current month and avoid billing in future months.
Cancellation Reason(Required)

Please check the box indicating you have read and agree to the termination policy.(Required)